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Java Programming Tutorial
Java Introduction (2:59)
Chapter Object (1:05)
What Is Computer (11:44)
Programming Language Introduction (4:41)
Operating System (4:03)
Brief Introduction Of Java Programming Language (3:54)
The Java Language Specification, API, JDK, and IDE (5:29)
A Simple Java Program (5:04)
Creating,Compiling And Executing a Java Program - part 1 (4:39)
Type Your First Program By Using Text Editor (2:13)
Install JDK And Use It To Compile And Run Our First Java Program (3:00)
Programming Styels And Documentions (3:46)
Create First Java Program Using Intellij IDEA (9:58)
Elementray Programming
Chapter Introduction (0:57)
Writing a Simple Program (9:20)
Reading Input from the Console (5:36)
Named Constants (1:47)
Naming Conventions (1:42)
Numeric Data Types and Operations (8:44)
Numeric Literals (4:41)
Evaluating Expressions and Operator Precedence (2:39)
Case Study: Displaying the Current Time (1:28)
Augmented Assignment Operators (0:58)
Increment And Decrement Operators (2:58)
Numeric Type Conversions (3:29)
Software Development Process - Part 1 (3:54)
Software Development Process - Part 2 (9:34)
Common Errors And Pitfalls (5:31)
Case Study: Counting Monetary Units (3:43)
Chapter 2 Summary (3:25)
Java Selections
Chapter Objectives (1:16)
Introduction (2:02)
Boolean Data Type (3:31)
If Statements (4:42)
Two Way If Else Statements (0:50)
Nested If And Multi-Way If-Else Statements (1:53)
Common Errors And Pitfalls (4:17)
Logical Operators (7:01)
Case Study - Logical Operators (6:08)
Case Study - Generating Random Numbers (2:43)
Case Study - Determining Leap Year (1:05)
Switch Statements (7:59)
Conditional Expressions (4:12)
Operator Precedence and Associativity (3:09)
Debugging - 1 (3:35)
Debugging - 2 (5:01)
Chapter Objectives (0:57)
Loop Motivation (1:46)
While Loop (3:14)
Case Study - While Loop (1:16)
Do-While Loop (1:47)
For Loop (6:47)
Which Loop To Use (1:36)
Nested Loops (1:30)
Keywords Break And Continue (1:59)
Case Study - Checking Palindromes (6:02)
Java Method
Chapter Objectives (0:54)
Method Introduction (1:20)
Defining A Method (2:44)
Calling A Method (7:25)
Method Call Stack (4:50)
Void Method (3:03)
Passing Arguments By Values (4:08)
Overloading Methods (5:40)
Scope Of Variables (3:07)
Single Dimensional Arrays
Chapter Objectives (1:37)
Array Basic-1 (10:56)
Array Basic - Processing Array (11:46)
Foreach Loop (4:04)
Case Study - Analyzing Numbers (4:49)
Copying Arrays (5:11)
Passing Arrays To Methods (5:23)
Returning An Array From A Method (1:49)
Variable-Length Argument Lists (1:28)
The Linear Search Approach (3:44)
The Binary Search Approach (7:30)
The Arrays Class (6:53)
Command Line Arguments (2:22)
Case Study - Calculator (6:21)
Multidimensional Arrays
Objectives (0:49)
Processing Two-Dimensional Arrays (5:53)
Two-Dimensional Array Basics (5:05)
Passing Two Dimensional Arrays To Method (1:23)
Case Study - Grading a Multiple Choice Test (2:13)
Case Study - Finding The Closest Pair (2:20)
Objects And Classes
Defining Classes For Objects (7:17)
Defining Classes And Creating Objects - 1 (8:50)
Defining Classed And Creating Objects - 2 (4:18)
Constructing Objects Using Constructors (3:18)
Reference Variables And Reference Types (3:09)
Reference Data Fields And The Null Value (2:22)
Differences Between Variables Of Primitive Types And Reference Types (2:25)
Static Variables, Constants, And Methods (5:52)
Visibility Modifiers (4:32)
Data Field Encapsulation (8:01)
Passing Objects To Methods (2:25)
Immutable Objects And Classes (2:07)
The This Reference (2:55)
Object-Oriented Thinking
Class Abstraction And Encapsulation (17:01)
Association (4:19)
Aggregation And Composition (3:22)
Case Study - Designing The Course Class (9:55)
Case Study - Designing A Class For Stacks (10:22)
Processing Primitive Data Type Values As Objects (10:01)
Automatic Conversion Between Primitive Types And Wrapper Class Types (3:33)
The BigInteger And BigDecimal Classes (5:57)
The String Class (20:33)
The StringBuilder And StringBuffer Classes (18:49)
Case Study - Ignoring Nonalphanumeric Characters When Checking Palindromes (6:13)
Inheritance And Polymorphism
Super Classes And Subclasses - 1 (19:43)
Super Classes And Subclasses - 2 (2:23)
Using The Super Keyword - Calling Superclass Constructors (4:11)
Using The Super Keyword - Constructor Chaining (4:05)
Overriding Methods (2:34)
Overriding VS Overloading (4:03)
11-6-Object Class and Its toString() Method (2:40)
Polymorphism (1:44)
Dynamic Binding (5:00)
Casting Objects And The instanceOf Operator - 1 (6:25)
Casting Objects And The instanceof Operator - 2 (4:59)
The Object’s equals Method (4:33)
The ArrayList Class - 1 (7:12)
The ArrayList Class - 2 (5:55)
Useful Methods For Lists (4:02)
Case Study: A Custom Stack Class (6:33)
The protected Data And Methods (4:07)
Preventing Extending And Overriding (2:12)
Abstract Classes And Interfaces
Abstract Classes - 1 (8:23)
Abstract Classes - 2 (4:54)
Interfaces (10:11)
The Comparable Interface (10:52)
Interfaces VS Abstract Classes (9:12)
Class-Design Guidelines (8:05)
Exception Handling And File I/O
Exception-Handling Overview (12:06)
Exception Types (5:40)
More On Exception Handling (10:55)
Case Study - Exception Handling (3:41)
Getting Information from Exceptions (6:36)
The finally Clause (4:05)
When To Use Exceptions (2:12)
Rethrowing Exceptions (2:52)
Chained Exceptions (1:25)
Defining Custom Exception Classes (3:42)
The File Class (5:41)
Writing Data Using PrintWriter (5:38)
Closing Resources Automatically Using try-with-resources (2:30)
Reading Data Using Scanner (4:48)
Binary I/O
Introduction (3:23)
How Is Text I/O Handled in Java? (2:27)
Text I/O vs. Binary I/O (2:51)
Binary I/O Classes Overview (0:59)
FileInputStream/FileOutputStream (6:17)
FilterInputStream/FilterOutputStream And DataInputStream/DataOutputStream (8:24)
Case Study - Detecting the End Of A File (3:23)
BufferedInputStream And BufferedOutputStream (2:48)
Case Study - Copying Files (7:48)
Object I/O - ObjectOutputStream And ObjectInputStream (8:05)
The Serializable Interface (6:00)
Random Access Files (9:48)
Lists, Stacks, Queues, And Priority Queues
Collections (9:58)
Iterators (2:47)
Using The ForEach Method (1:42)
Lists (12:28)
The Comparator Interface (3:30)
Static Methods For Lists And Collections (6:25)
Vector And Stack Classes (2:11)
Queues And Priority Queues (3:55)
Java Introduction
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